Academic Resources for
Cognitive and Language Scientists
General Resources for
Research Projects
Literature Review
Explore new literature
Visualize connections between papers
Lit maps: Type in the title of a paper, and it will use that as the “seed” that connects to related papers. Seems to work well, but the interface is a bit confusing.
Connected Papers: Type in the DOI or title of a paper, and it will produce a map of related papers – categorized as (1) prior works and (2) derivative works.
Reading and Writing Academic Articles
Essential tools and guidelines
Zotero (recommended free software for citation management)
Tips for reading
Tips for writing
Improving your research reading and writing workflow
Creating Stimuli
Language databanks and corpora
Image databases
​​Multipic (500 colored pictures of concrete objects in 32 different languages)
Change blindness database (indoor scenes in which random objects appear and disappear)
Creating and Running Experiments
Online data collection platforms
Tools for creating experiments
WebExp (free)
Data Visualization and Analysis
Data visualization
Data analysis
Phonetics on speed (tutorial on scripting in Praat, a program for analyzing acoustic speech signals)
Learning R
Tips for using R
Top 50 ggplot2 data visualizations (cheat sheet)
Bayesian statistics
Key academic journals
​Psycholinguistics, cognitive psychology, and cognitive science
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition ***
Trends in Cognitive Sciences (reviews) ***
​General Psychology
​General Science
Societies and conferences
Mailing Lists (listserv)
Cognitive Science
Linguistics and Psycholinguistics
Open-source (free) online lectures on neuroscience, cogsci, AI, tools and methods, etc.
Open Science
For undergraduate students
For graduate students
How to be a successful PhD student (in computer science, but also applicable to other fields!)
#AcademicChatter (hashtag on Twitter about discussions and jokes around academia)